
Newsletter April 2002

Volume 6, #1

Funding Application
An application for funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation is nearing completion. We are currently awaiting for the transfer of lands from the developer (Mason Homes) to the Township of King before we can proceed. The application is made of of two proposals. The first is for capital monies to restore two wetland ponds. The second is to hire a part-time staff person for a five year term to do fundraising, co-ordinate restoration events and initiate educatin programs.


Another Award
The Dufferin Marsh Open Space management Plan prepared by Schollen and Company in collaboration with LGL Ltd. has been recognised with a Regional Merit Award by the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. This is a very prestigious national awars that was adjudicated by a panel of landscape architects and planners. The submission panels for this project are on tour across the country, and are currently on display at Black Creek Pioneer Village.


Spring Activities
Wine Tasting
The fourth annual wine tasting event is in the initial stages of organisation. We are hoping to host it again at Sheena's Kitchen on Saturday June 15th. Watch for further notice.

Marsh Clean Up
On Saturday May 4th, starting at 9am we are planning a marsh cleanup morning, and are looking for your help. Please grab your work gloves and come for a few hours to help remove trash along Dr. Kay Drive. Dress for the weather, and meet us at the pumping station.

First Annual Frog Bash
On Saturday May 11th, 8 pm, meet us on the patio at Dr. Dillains'a Pub to listen to the chorus of frogs and socialise with DMC members. We have playfully dubbed this event the "First Annual Frog Bash". Hope you can come.

Bird Walk
On Saturday May 25th at 6am (well maybe not that early!) we will be conducting a local bird walk around Schomberg. The last time we did this, we saw a huge flock of Golden Plovers flying down Main St. So set your alarm and find some binoculars. Watch for more details.


DMC Executive
Chair Mary Asseltine 905-939-7544
Vice Chair Eric Leon 905-939-7809
Membership Secretary/Treasurer Reva Harknett 905-939-8647
Recording Secretary Sheila Kelly 905-939-2315
Parks Committee Liaison Linda Cholmondeley 905-939-7079













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